Best Glide Adventurer Survival Sewing and Repair Kit contains the most likely needed items, in sufficient quantities, to repair your clothing or equipment. In a survival situation, damage to either could be life threatening.
The Adventurer Survival Sewing and Repair Kit not only contains the basic survival sewing items, it is innovative in a way that it also includes items for basic repairs. It is the first we have seen to contain high-grade Kevlar Thread with a tensile stretch of up to 50 lbs. However, Best Glide does not stop there. Their kit includes MilSpec and Military Approved Made in the USA items like Type 1A Utility Cord, a Military Approved SERE Razor Knife and Duct Tape. It also includes brass wire which can be used for repair of making a snare.
Importantly to note that this Survival Sewing and Repair Kit is packed in aLOKSAK 15.9cm x 13cm (inner dimensions) Durable and Waterproof Bag with patended 6 MIL film and patented Hermetic double-seal (stores most of the kit content). 30 meters depth waterproof. In case of emergency you may use it to protect your smartphone or iPhone. All Touch Screen Electronics Work 100% While Protected in the aLOKSAK. Will fit iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, os similar size devices.
- aLOKSAK 15.9cm x 13cm (inner dimensions) Durable and Waterproof Bag
- Sewing needles (sizes most likely needed in a survival situation)
- Straight pins
- Safety pins (again in various sizes)
- Durable Kevlar® thread
- Needle threader
- Buttons (different sizes),
- Sewing thimble,
- Derma Safe Knife (Government Approved)
- Patch (waterproof for patching holes),
- Type 1A Utility Cord (Government Approved)
- Brass wire
- Tie wraps
- Duct tape and more.
This kit is assembled in the USA.
Package Dimensions: 1 in x 5 in x 4.75 in
Weight: 2.5 oz.
Series: Adventurer
Assembled in USA
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